Master Services Agreement (single provider or panel provider)

With this MSA builder you can:

  • build an MSA for a single provider or a panel supply arrangement
  • use the MSA for non-ICT services (such as consulting and professional services or research services) or for ICT-related services
  • select from a range of optional extra terms which, with a click of your mouse, will be inserted automagically
  • select from a range of statement of work templates: Statement of Work (General), Statement of Work (Agile Software Development), Statement of Work (Ongoing Technical Support), Statement of Work (Research Services).

Government Model Contract for Services or Goods and Services

We provide two GMC builders: one for the Crown, the other for non-Crown agencies. The builders use the third edition of the GMC for Services (Crown and non-Crown respectively) but also include options to do one or more of the following:

  • expand the GMC to cover goods as well as services
  • expand the GMC to accommodate future statements of work, making it a light form of master services agreement, with attached statement of work templates that can be used for additional pieces of work or ongoing support services
  • make changes to the default terms of the GMC (for example, alter the IP provisions)
  • include a number of optional clauses to address risks and issues not addressed, or fully addressed, by the default terms in the GMC.

Mutual Confidentiality Agreement

With this Mutual Confidentiality Agreement builder you can:

  • build an agreement to protect the confidentiality of information that two parties exchange for a designated purpose (for example, consideration of a potential joint arrangement or venture) 
  • make it clear that disclosing parties retain all IP rights and that no such rights are granted to the recipient other than expressly specified in the agreement
  • set out return and destruction obligations 
  • deal with a range of related matters.

Inter-agency MOU

With this builder you can create an MOU that sets out the arrangements between your agency and another public sector entity (such as another department, a departmental agency, or a Crown entity) relating to:

  • services your agency will provide to the other party
  • services that the other party will provide to your agency
  • services that each party will provide to the other, or
  • a project on which the parties have agreed to collaborate.

Note that, if you'd like an MOU that governs information sharing between your agency and another agency, the separate Information Sharing MOU builder should be used instead.

Information Sharing MOU (personal information) 

With this builder, you can create an Information Sharing MOU:

  • for situations where your agency or organisation and another agency or organisation are sharing a significant amount of personal or other sensitive information, and there is an existing legal basis for the sharing, and
  • that records the sharing and sets expectations and controls around how the information is to be shared and used. 

For example, your agency might be sharing a substantial dataset with another agency, or it might be disclosing information to another agency and/or obtaining information from another agency on a regular basis. This template cannot be used to, and it does not, provide an independent legal basis for the sharing of personal information that is not otherwise permissible. 

Data Sharing MOU (non-personal data)

This builder is designed for situations where one agency or organisation wishes to share what it considers to be non-personal data with another agency or organisation, but where there are potential risks (e.g., as to re-identification) or sensitivities that need to be addressed. It will build an MOU that:

  • records these points
  • specifies a range of particulars about the data to be shared and the purposes for which the recipient can use it
  • requires the data recipient to adhere to certain principles (e.g., as to non-re-identification and not using the data in a manner that unjustifiably and adversely discriminates between groups), and 
  • places limits on further disclosure.

Letter of variation (of an agreement)

With this builder, you can prepare a letter of variation that amends an existing agreement. The builder:

  • accommodates variations that are set out in the letter of variation itself
  • allows for variations that take the form of an amended agreement that is attached to the letter of variation, and
  • contains a clause that addresses the sufficiency of consideration. 

Now you don't need to muck around finding that letter of variation you did months or years ago to use a precedent. You can fire out your letter of variation quickly with the builder.

Website terms of use

With this builder you can create terms of use for government websites. The builder:

  • accommodates informational websites as well as interactive websites with login requirements and/or the ability for users to submit content for publication
  • contemplates the potential availability of APIs or web services
  • deals with copyright and licensing, in accordance with both the Government's Web Usability Standard 1.3 and NZGOAL
  • enables you to select from a range of optional provisions, such indemnity, disclaimers, and governing law and jurisdiction.

When your terms of use are produced, you're also provided with a note explaining the application of the Web Usability Standard 1.3.

Privacy statement builder

Privacy statements aren't contracts but they're important documents. With this builder, you can prepare a privacy statement for a website or another purpose. The builder:

  • has questions and options relating to the personal information your agency collects and why, recipients of the personal information, statistical information, cookies, security, retention and disposal, and access and correction
  • enables your agency, with the click of a button, to be transparent about third party services it might use, like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Google Marketing Platform, Facebook/Meta Pixel, SurveyMonkey, MailChimp, and more
  • enables your agency to comply with privacy statement requirements of the Government's Web Usability Standard 1.3.

Privacy clause builder

With this builder, you can build comprehensive privacy clauses for:

  • a Government Model Contract for Services (containing provisions that go beyond the existing privacy provisions in Schedule 2)
  • an Outcome Agreement (containing provisions that go beyond the existing privacy provisions in the Framework Terms and Conditions)
  • another kind of agreement for services (such as a master services agreement or an agreement for the one-off supply of services).

Please note that this builder is not designed for the comparatively rare situations in which the Privacy Act’s IPP12 (Disclosure of personal information outside New Zealand) applies.